MasterMINED Technical DeepDive:

This month’s deep dive at the MasterMINED Club features Taylor Towler from Solomon, sharing expert insights on acquiring and negotiating Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to secure favorable terms for your organization.

Friday, September 13th @ 10AM Central USA
Technical Topic Deep Dive. This one is free!

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Taylor Towler is a skilled entrepreneur and financial strategist with a background in technology and industrial systems. From a young age, he exhibited an aptitude for both technical and business endeavors, from dismantling and rebuilding machines to running a profitable in-game business at 12. Taylor's entrepreneurial spirit led him to form Solomon Data Systems, where they returned the principal plus an impressive 37% to investors in the first year. With over a decade of experience in Bitcoin and a hands-on approach to mining operations, Taylor has executed more than 70MW of mining transactions, showcasing his ability to merge technical expertise with strategic financial acumen.

Join us for in September for an Enlightening Webinar

Navigating Power Purchase Agreements with Taylor Towler from Solomon

Join us for an insightful presentation by Taylor Towler from Solomon, where he will delve into the complexities of acquiring a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). This session is designed to guide participants through the critical aspects of PPA negotiation and to equip them with strategies for securing favorable terms.

Key Topics Include:

Understanding PPAs: An overview of what PPAs are and their significance in the energy industry.

The Negotiation Process: Step-by-step insights into how to approach PPA negotiations, including key factors to consider.

Securing Favorable Terms: Tips and best practices for ensuring that the terms of your PPA are advantageous for your organization.

Interactive Q&A Session:

After the presentation, there will be a dedicated Q&A session where attendees can ask Taylor their most pressing questions. This is a unique opportunity to get personalized advice and clarify any uncertainties you may have about the PPA process.

Whether you are new to PPAs or looking to refine your negotiation skills, this webinar will provide valuable information to help you navigate the process with confidence. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an industry expert and enhance your understanding of Power Purchase Agreements. Join us for this exciting and knowledgeable

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~ Scott Offord
Owner of Scott's Crypto Mining
Founder of MasterMINED Club
Scott Offord
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Joe Cirafici

"Now I've got a solid plan going to become a bitcoin mine owner! I originally was looking for hosting, but now I feel that becoming an operator is quite possible instead."

Gary Lozowski

"There's always a way to complete your goals. This club helped me to reiterate that for myself."

Rein Auh

"It was all a guessing game for me. Going through this training helped me understand planning on a large scale. Being able to ask questions was very helpful. It was worth the time."

Alkesh Patel

"I was surprised at the amount of information that was given away for free. I was worried it would be too high-level to be useful. I thought I already understood, but the amount of information was tremendous."

Ben Phillips

"The devil is in the details! I learned a lot about networking, power, airflow, layout."

Brock Tompkins

"This has me looking for more competitive power rates and better sites in USA. The bottom line is the bottom line. I have to go where the facts lead me."

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